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Wednesday, July 21, 2010



Fixed indexed annuities garner higher returns than a CD or money market account without giving up security. The Fixed Indexed Annuity is a fixed hybrid product, and is quickly overshadowing CD’s, mutual funds and other stocks as the new safe place for people to invest their money.

A fixed index annuity will provide at least 1-3% returns, compounded annually. This minimum guarantee lasts throughout the contract; however, earnings can exceed this rate.

Fixed indexed annuities are linked to the performance of another equity index like the S&P 500. The overall performance of the US stock market is represented by the S&P 500. If the market performs well, your investment will enjoy a percentage of the gains. If and when the market goes down however, you are sheltered from losses.

Gains, But Not Losses?
Fixed index annuities sound too good to be true. Well, they are real. When the market performs well, you earn a percentage of the gains subject to a cap. When the market goes down, you do not hold any of the risk and therefore do not lose any money. Every year, any earnings will be locked in at the anniversary index point. In fact, on particularly good years, a fixed index annuity can gain 2 or even 3 times the guaranteed interest rate and not lose any of those gains when the market subsides again.

The icing on the cake for fixed index annuities is that if all earnings are kept in the annuity they will grow tax deferred. You don;t even have to file a 1099 on on Fixed indexed annuities.
While this product is for all ages, it is especially applicable to retirees. Small business owners are using FIAs in their 401(k) and SEP-IRA retirement plans as well.

Are you interested in learning more about Fixed Indexed Annuities? Call us toll free at 888.939.0135. We will be happy to answer your questions.